Psychiatric Services

counselor speaking with individual


Psychiatry is the medical specialty devoted to the treatment of mental, emotional or behavioral conditions. Psychiatry services at the Student Health Center (SHC) include psychiatric evaluations, individual counseling, crisis intervention, coordination of care with other professionals and pharmacological management. Please see below for more information regarding frequently asked questions.   

Which psychiatric services do you offer?

We offer a broad range of confidential psychiatric services for USA students which include the following:
  • Psychiatric evaluation, diagnosis and treatment
  • Medications (if recommended) with ongoing monitoring (which may include transfer of care and medications to and from your previous provider)
  • Coordination of care with other MDs and the ordering of laboratory tests (if needed)
  • Crisis intervention services
  • Individual counseling
  • Referral services

Who is eligible to receive services?

All currently enrolled students are eligible for treatment at the Student Health Center. The SHC accepts most health insurance plans and is happy to submit insurance claims on your behalf. Co-pays, deductibles and non-covered services are expected to be paid at the time of the visit. SHC accepts VISA, Mastercard, American Express and Discover credit cards.

How do I get an appointment with a psychiatry provider?

You can access psychiatric services by a referral from a healthcare provider in the Student Health Center, a counselor in the Counseling Testing Services Department or by self referral. 

Is there anything that I should do prior to my appointment?

You should complete a psychiatric intake packet prior to your appointment and bring it with you. 

What will happen at my first appointment?

You will meet with a psychiatry provider and review your history, current symptoms, substance use history, medical illnesses, and issues with school and relationships. If the provider believes you will benefit from treatment at the SHC, follow-up appointments will be set up. If your needs would be better met by a community provider, a referral will be made into the community.

What if I run out of medication before the appointment with my new psychiatry provider?

You need to call your current psychiatric provider and request a refill.

Who provides psychiatric care in SHC?

Psychiatric services are offered by psychiatric residents through the Department of Psychiatry. They provide services under the direct supervision of a Professor of the Department of Psychiatry.

Already a patient receiving psychiatric services in the SHC? 

To schedule a follow up appointment with your psychiatric provider please call (251) 460-7151.

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